The old fashioned kind of course.
Still not able to identify the apple tree in our garden. Certainly the fruit has grown beyond the size of crab apples now, which means there are more recipe options when the forbidden fruit has ripened. But whether these are the cooking or eating kind remains to be seen.
In the meantime, I have noticed the other fruits in the garden. The blackberries in particular are in great supply, and I have managed to gather enough to make cooking some worthwhile. Not sure how long their season lasts, but looks as though there may be more on the way later. Hopefully some will coincide with the apples so I can cook them together. Have my eye on Blackberry, apple & cinnamon cupcakes particularly.
Tonight? Well after some quick research I found a recipe which I had all the ingredients for, and was suitably summer-y. Blackberry shortcake stacks. The original recipe made a large round double layer cake to be cut into individual slices, but I decided to make mine triple layered, and individually sized. Still too much for me though!
Worth also noting that I found a good website describing advice on picking wild blackberries. This included the dangers of picking berries near cows (!), and consideration to other people. Both irrelevant when the brambles are in your own unruly garden. But I did make sure to follow point 3 - leave enough for the birds to eat.
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